[Python Glasgow] Fwd: [EuroPython-Members] EuroPython 2017: Official dates available

Dougal Matthews dougal at dougalmatthews.com
Fri Mar 3 08:13:14 EST 2017

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From: "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at europython.eu>

Date: Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:58 PM +0000

Subject: [EuroPython-Members] EuroPython 2017: Official dates available

To: "EuroPython Society Members" <europython-members at lists.egenix.com>

We are very happy to officially announce the confirmed dates for
EuroPython 2017 in Rimini, Italy:

		   EuroPython 2017: July 9-16 2017

		 *** http://ep2017.europython.eu/ ***

The conference will be held at the Rimini PalaCongressi and structured
as follows:

 * July 9 - Workshops and Beginners’ Day
 * July 10-14 - Conference and training days
 * July 15-16 - Sprints

Conference tickets will allow attending Beginners’ Day, keynotes,
talks, trainings, poster sessions, interactive sessions, panels and

Please subscribe to our various EuroPython channels for updates on the
conference. We will start putting out more information about the
conference in the coming days.

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

EuroPython-Members Mailing List

EuroPython: https://www.europython.eu/
EuroPython Society: http://www.europython-society.org/

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