[Python Glasgow] Python/Django developer required

Alisdair Tullo alisdair at tullo.me.uk
Fri Nov 6 06:11:42 EST 2015

Hi all,

Further to my post to the Python Edinburgh list in June, as part of my 
work (University of Edinburgh) I'm looking for a web developer again, to 
continue development of an existing custom web application and database 

The purpose of the application is to manage and record contact with a 
pool of volunteers for psychology experiments. There will likely be 1-2 
months of work in this phase -- how we organise this is open to 
negotiation -- and there is a strong likelihood of further work in the 
future. Please let me know if you're interested.

(I'm including Python Glasgow this time as it's close enough that folks 
there may be interested -- hope this is ok!)



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