[Python Glasgow] Coding Dojo on Tuesday 11th of March in Twig World

Dougal Matthews dougal at dougalmatthews.com
Tue Mar 4 17:40:17 CET 2014

Hi all,

Sorry - ignore this email. I was working on the auto-emailer which sends
out notification based on the calendar and accidentally sent this one off.

Next week we have the dojo on still and there wont be a Python logo on the
table, you need a ticket which you can grab here:


We only have one left, so be quick!


On 4 March 2014 12:13, <no-reply at dougalmatthews.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> The next Python Glasgow event will be a Coding Dojo in 7
> days on the Tuesday 11th of March at Twig World, 14 N Claremont St, G3 7LE.
> There will be a printed Python logo on the table so everyone can find us.
> Look forward to seeing you all there!
> Cheers,
> Dougal
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