[getopt-sig] The best way to Sa, ve big money - by ordering soft from chea p-cd! caputo

Christine at e-hkma.com Christine at e-hkma.com
Mon Jun 28 08:02:11 EDT 2004

>You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk
>It will all come out in the wash

Hi boy's,
Adobe PhotoShop CS 8.0 for $40 - nice deal right ? ;) retail price is $650 - great savings, huh?
Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise Server ....... Only $50, You s'ave $3869.00 bucks!
CorelDraw Graphics Suite V 12 PC ............... Only $50, You sa've $300 bucks!
MS Windows XP Professional ..................... Only $45, You sav'e $255 bucks!
Microsoft Office 2003 Professional ............. Only $45, You sa've $450 bucks!
Please spend few moments of yours precious time to check our offer - it is more than worth it!

>First things first 
>Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea .
>Good things come in small packages.
>More haste less speed
>Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors
>A cat has nine lives.

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