[getopt-sig] The bake-off

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Thu, 30 May 2002 10:49:00 -0400

On 30 May 2002, rsc@plan9.bell-labs.com said:
> My only nit with Optik (and a very small one at that)
> is the dual syntax for adding options.  I'd rather just
> see the normal Python list syntax and drop the 
> add_option method, but the latter seems entrenched.
> (In fact, the reason I was turned off by Optik originally
> was I didn't know about the list syntax and thought 
> the add_option was the only way to go.)

D'ohh!  I originally liked using a list, but I've decided that I prefer
add_option().  I suppose I will leave the list interface there but
undocumented.  Anyone else care?

Greg Ward - Linux weenie                                gward@python.net
Reality is for people who can't handle science fiction.