[getopt-sig] Idle thoughts

Harri Pasanen harri.pasanen@trema.com
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 15:03:43 +0100 (CET)

Just for the record, I do prefer Russ' Plan 9 style approach to Optik,
namely the straight forward C style approach to it.  

Optik seems to have too much of a learning curve, being somewhat
non-intuitive with all this action/type/dest stuff.  Almost like learning a
new language.


Vote cast, I do have a question:  Can either Optik or Russ' stuff be used
confortably in libraries?  One of my gripes with getopt is that if you look
for arguments in some generic module, getopt complains about the arguments
it does not understand.  I'd like to have the ability to stack arguments,
for instance turn on some debugging stuff in some imported library if
certain options are present in the command like, silently ignoring others.

Disclaimer:  I wrote this in a rush, without being really having used
anything than getopt and thus not delving into Optik's features  to the
level it would merit.
