[FoxPUG] November meeting notes

Christian Long christianzlong at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 22:23:18 EST 2015

Fox Python meeting notes November 2 2015

Good meeting tonight. I talked about an interesting map project I
found. [A Matter of
The author "unrolled" the shoreline of Lake Michigan in to one long
straight map. Go check it out, it looks cool. The page has an
interesting explanation of how he did it. He uses some Python to
squeeze and stretch the map tiles to achieve the effect.

Mamadou talked about the increasing use of Git in GIS. He talked about
the [National Spatial Data
Infrastructure](https://www.fgdc.gov/nsdi/nsdi.html). Also, a website
called [geoplatform.gov](http://www.geoplatform.gov/) and its
[resources for developers](http://www.geoplatform.gov/developer-pathway)
who want to publish their maps and apps and make them available to

For example, [ESRI](http://www.esri.com/) has several hundred
repositories [hosted on GitHub](https://github.com/esri). Here's just
one I found [ArcGIS Raster
Functions](https://github.com/Esri/raster-functions). Useful tools
that are published on GitHub, where anyone can copy and use them, and
also contribute their changes and improvements back to the project.

We finished by talking about [Git](https://git-scm.com/about) and
GitHub, and how they can be used to manage all kinds of data, not just
source code.

Our next [meeting](http://foxpython.tumblr.com/meetings) is on Monday,
December 7, 2015 at 7pm. See you there!


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