[FoxPUG] Notes from our first meeting!

nguyen at uwosh.edu nguyen at uwosh.edu
Tue Jul 2 17:50:29 CEST 2013

Thanks for the minutes!  I updated the web site https://plonedev.uwosh.edu/fvpug


On Jul 1, 2013, at 10:07 PM, Christian Long <christianzlong at gmail.com> wrote:

We held the first meeting of the Fox Valley Python User Group tonight, July 1 2013.

Christian Long

Here's a summary of the meeting.


Text of the summary
Foxpug meeting notes

July 1, 2013


Kathy Lynch
Christian Long
Brandon Harshaw
Kim Nguyen
Mamadou Coubiliay

We discussed what to call ourselves.
Long name: Fox Valley Python User Group
Short name: FoxPUG 

Social media
Group members volunteered to create and maintain FoxPUG accounts on various social media sites
We are on, or soon will be on: Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, a Plone site hosted by UW-Oshkosh, Facebook, and a mailing list. You can also email us at info at foxpug.org.

We decided to hold the meetings on the first Monday of every month, from 7pm to 8:30 pm. For now, we are meeting in Halsey, room 101, on the UW-Oshkosh campus. The Halsey Science Building is located at 921 Elmwood Ave, Oshkosh, WI. Parking is on Scott street.

However, the next two meetings will be on the second Monday rather than the first Monday. 

So, here’s the upcoming schedule, for the rest of 2013

August 12
September 9
October 7
November 4
December 2

French-speakers were in the majority at the meeting, so French was adopted as an official language.

We encourage all members to participate by presenting on Python-related topics large and small. Presentations should be brief, informal and fun. Teaching language features or modules from the standard library: these are good ideas for presentations. We discussed holding an occasional kids event, where we would teach Scratch to the younger kids and Python to the older kids. Possibly we will have a group-curated list of education topics.

Everyone is in charge of promotion and spreading the word about this new group. 

We will check on the possibility of parking near Sage Hall and using Sage Hall for our meeting space. However, the computer lab in Halsey room 101 is a fine meeting space for now.

Christian Long made a brief presentation on list comprehensions and generator expressions.

Kim Nguyen spoke about Diazo themeing and responsive design for Plone sites.

A good first meeting. We welcome you to join us!

FoxPUG mailing list
FoxPUG at python.org

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