[Flask] Invitation to participate in a survey about Flask

Gergely Polonkai gergely at polonkai.eu
Tue Mar 2 04:37:39 EST 2021


i wonder if you linked the correct survey, as its title says itʼs a “survey
about Django”.

Gergely Polonkai

On Mon, 1 Mar 2021, 17:44 Tan, J., <j.tan at rug.nl> wrote:

> Dear Flask contributor,
> We are doing research on understanding how developers manage a special
> kind of Technical Debt in *Python.*
> We kindly ask 15-20 minutes of your time to fill out our survey. To help
> you decide whether to fill it in, we clarify two points.
> “Why should I answer this survey?”
> Your participation is essential for us to correctly understand how
> developers manage Technical Debt.
> “What is in it for me?”
> Your valuable contributions to *Flask* are part of the information we
> analyzed for this study. Thus, if you help us further by answering
> this survey, there are two immediate benefits:
>    - you help to improve the efficiency of maintaining the quality of
>    *Flask*.
>    - the results will be used to propose recommendations to manage
>    technical debt and create tool support.
> Here is the link to the survey
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8yKQm-2lOMTuw1Ho-7CURVCrJJc9SihLww-gty_8y7eZ2VA/viewform?usp=sf_link>
> .
> Thank you for your time and attention.
> Kind regards,
> Jie Tan, Daniel Feitosa and Paris Avgeriou
> Software Engineering and Architecture group <http://www.cs.rug.nl/search>
> Faculty of Science and Engineering
> University of Groningen, the Netherlands
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