[Flask] my flask question is ...

flaskee flaskee at protonmail.com
Fri Mar 6 15:52:24 EST 2020

Sorry, I should of broken this into its own email to be clear.
Here it is.

I asked my question here about 2 months back, and I'm still stuck.

(I have been all through the stackoverflows, Miguels' blog, books, etc.)

Here it is again.

I have a full flask site running under the latest Apache.
Debian 10.3.
I'm using Python 3.5.

The site goes down with 500 errors randomly.
I can not figure out why.
It will sometimes go down (AND COME BACK UP BY ITSELF!).
No intervention!

Often though I have to reload the site to get it back.

When it is "down" with the 500 error,
and you access the site,
it still loads the access.log with the files to be accessed.

nmap -sP mysite.org reports the "Host is up"
when it is in it's 500 error state.

It is odd.

All of this makes it so I can not recommend a full flask site to customers.

I am seeing no errors in the server's logs, the site's error.log, or anywhere really.

Other sites on the same apache server run without problem while the flask site is 500'd.

I am stuck
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