[Flask] Session question

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Thu Apr 16 22:44:44 EDT 2020

On 17Apr2020 14:17, Richard Hector <richard at walnut.gen.nz> wrote:
>It appears that sessions are stored in a cookie/cookies in the browser,
>rather than just setting a random session id and storing in the database
>or whatever. I was under the impression (though I'm a web development
>newbie) that this wasn't considered best practice. Is there a way to
>change this behaviour, to store the session info server-side instead?

It depends what you do. The cookie side session is for state you need to 
share with the browser anyway: the logged in user, or other 
brwoser/client side data. Of course you should keep server-private data 
on the server side.

So (a) there should be no "secrets" in the cookie side session data, 
only data the browser app would already know and (b) the session cookie 
is signed against a server side secret. That latter means that a hostile 
browser/client cannot modify the session cookie and have the changed 
believed by the server, because the cookie signature would then be 

So, yes, most state should be server side. The cookie session stuff is 
for state the client needs to know anyway.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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