[Flask] Advice on best way :

Gergely Polonkai gergely at polonkai.eu
Thu Sep 26 00:03:05 EDT 2019

What you outlined here /is/ a full fledged ERP system. Without the actual
requirement list itʼs somewhat impossible to devise anything. You should
find a trustworthy software architect to do it. And that ainʼt cheap,
especially given that this is for some government thingie (most people will
double their price for govts).

So if you need true advice here, youʼd better share the full requirements
list which might even be illegal depending on your contract. If you donʼt
have that, i think you shouldnʼt start the project.


On Wed, 25 Sep 2019, 21:02 Ben Duncan, <linux4ms at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, have all my session, wtf_forms, libraries all sorted as well as some
> nice macros for the templates, now seeking advice to build this whole
> application.
> It is basically a full fledged Accounting system (AR / AP / GL / OE /IV /
> PR / PO ) fronted by a some very specific Court front ends (fees. fines,
> restitution  )  for the Criminal / Civil side and then some stuff latter to
> deal with the Chancery Courts.
> It's going to be quite large, probably with a few hundred web pages , with
> interfacing with all the systems (Think ERP) with drill downs all the way
> back to the originating document.
> Any advice on how to structure, what next I need to read, design
> considerations or any other adice this group can give me, would be
> appreciated
> Thanks ...
> *Ben Duncan*
> DBA / Chief Software Architect
> Mississippi State Supreme Court
> Electronic Filing Division
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