[Flask] flask-couchdb maintainers are around?

Arup Rakshit ar at zeit.io
Fri May 3 15:23:46 EDT 2019

I am recently messing around with Flask and couchDB. I used the package https://pythonhosted.org/Flask-CouchDB/#basic-use . But my program kept giving errors, which later fixed by someone from Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/flask/comments/bk5g3w/python_flaskcouchdb_attributeerror_appctxglobals/emf6tyq/ . 

I followed what that Reddit guy said, and I met another problem https://www.reddit.com/r/flask/comments/bk5g3w/python_flaskcouchdb_attributeerror_appctxglobals/emfc6fl. Now he told me that it is related to incompatibility between python2 and python3 as per the PR https://bitbucket.org/leafstorm/flask-couchdb/pull-requests/2/fix-python-3-incompatibility/diff .

If maintainers are around would you mind to take a look at the project, and merge the PR. There is no other option I found to use couchdb with flask except this ORM.


Arup Rakshit
ar at zeit.io

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