[Flask] How to change the text properties by using flask table

Jerry Mccreary jerry.mccreary at mac.com
Fri Oct 19 10:30:51 EDT 2018

Add CSS classes would be my first choice.

A quick look at Flask-Table examples shows that it is possible to create templates.

def single_item(id):
    element = Item.get_element_by_id(id)
    # Similarly, normally you would use render_template
    return '<h1>{}</h1><p>{}</p><hr><small>id: {}</small>'.format(
        element.name, element.description, element.id)

https://github.com/plumdog/flask_table/blob/master/examples/simple_app.py <https://github.com/plumdog/flask_table/blob/master/examples/simple_app.py>



> On Oct 18, 2018, at 12:46 PM, david desurmont <david.desurmont at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, 
> currently starting on Flask, I need add a dynamic table some data coming from Jira bug tracker. 
> During my first tries, i use Flask Table (https://flask-table.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ <https://flask-table.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>). Good plugin to create html table on web page. This work correctly with Jinja template. 
> My question is the following: how to modify the syntax of the string (means Bold, Italic, color and so on) directly by using flask-table properties ? 
> A work around is possible by using the CSS and jinja code, but any anwser is welcome. 
> BR
> David
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