[Flask] Adding extensions to list of approved extensions

Tucker Beck tucker.beck at gmail.com
Wed May 2 14:32:39 EDT 2018

I would like to know what the procedure is for adding extensions.

I would like to get my package flask-praetorian
<http://flask-praetorian.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> added if possible.

I've gone through the checklist and satisified all the requirements except

   - python 2.7 support
      - Is this requirement still valid with python 2 so close to end of
   - "there must be a link to automatically install the development version"
   - I don't really know what this is, and I don't see it on other approved

I've been working on this package for a while, and it is being used in
production on at least one system.

Please take a look at the docs and let me know.


dusktreader at github <https://github.com/dusktreader>
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