[Flask] Flask extensions registry

David Lord davidism at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 09:28:01 EST 2018

You can submit a pull request here:
https://github.com/pallets/flask-website/pulls. I'm rewriting the registry
for our Lektor-based website (https://github.com/pallets/flask/issues/1775),
so I can't guaranteed if and when the PR will be merged or deployed, but it
will at least keep me aware of it.

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 5:54 AM, Robert Wikman <rbw at vault13.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've created a Flask extension and would like to have it added to Flask
> extension registry.
> The guide on how to properly create a Flask extension is great and all,
> but I can't find a good way to actually submit the extension for approval.
> Did some asking on IRC and got some feedback on things to improve in the
> project's readme and the name of a guy who's sometimes managing the
> registry.. but he never seems to be online.
> I think it would be pretty nice with a web form for submitting new
> extensions, and I can build that if the Flask team think its a good idea.
> Anyway, here's the repo of the extension:
> https://github.com/rbw0/flask-snow
> Regards,
> Robert
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