[Flask] Flask Consulting

Jeffrey Levesque jeff1evesque at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 27 22:29:26 EDT 2017

Hi guys,
I have an open source project, built on top of flask:

- https://github.com/jeff1evesque/machine-learning

I'm looking for additional co-developers, and willing to restructure the current milestone issues. Though, there has been speculation that I may be producing a product for one of the bigger publishers (i.e. O'Reilley, or PACKT publishing). If this is true, I may be restructuring the project to incorporate more algorithms, and methods like machine learning. However, it is currently just a hobby project needing more help.

Thank you,

Jeff Levesque

> On Sep 27, 2017, at 9:09 PM, Max Countryman <maxc at me.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m writing to let you know I am currently seeking out opportunities to consult on Flask-related projects. I’m located in the Bay Area and can join your team on-site, alternatively I’m happy to work remotely.
> You may recognize some of the Flask-related projects I’ve worked on, such as flask-login and flask-bcrypt.
> I have many years of experience with Python and Flask and can provide you immediate expertise. If you have projects you’d like to pass my way, please do not hesitate to reach out.
> All the best,
> Max
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