[Flask] Serving a file to downalod AND print message on screen

Kumar, Abhinav AKumar at intrexon.com
Wed Nov 15 12:47:19 EST 2017


After I process some data, I want to write log output to the screen and let user download the results as a zip file.

I tried flash, but that does not print message until the app is executed next time.

I can't possible use two return statements (one for send_file for download and other for rendering a template).

I could use only template rendering and provide a link to download the results file in the template html file, but that link says 'file not found'...

In my template file I have code like
    Please download the result  <a href=/upload/results.zip>here</a>
And I place the results.zip file in "upload" folder before calling render_template.

But the app says "The requested URL was not found on the server"
The URL it points to is "http://akumar-linux2:5000/upload/results.zip"



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