[Flask] Tutorial, step 3: Installing flaskr as a package. Why?

Gergely Polonkai gergely at polonkai.eu
Tue Jul 18 03:01:35 EDT 2017

Actually, you don't have to. If you are creating a Flask based web
application, that will be run just by you, you can completely omit this

However, if you are developing a Flask extension, and you want others to
use it, it's much easier for them to download it as a Python package.


On Mon, Jul 17, 2017, 20:58 John Gabriele <jgabriele at fastmail.fm> wrote:

> Hi,
> Reading the tutorial docs for Flask, I'm confused about step 3 of the
> tutorial: [Installing flaskr as a
> package](http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.12/tutorial/packaging/). This
> step describes using setuptools to install my little webapp package into
> my project's venv. Why would I want to do that? I can already run my
> webapp without installing it --- it's just `flask run`. Why does this
> part of the tutorial want me to install my webapp into my project's
> venv?
> Thanks,
> -- John
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