[Flask] File Upload

Colin Haig colin at techdata.net.au
Tue Nov 15 02:34:13 EST 2016

Hi Dmitry

I can upload smaller files – it is when the file is above 130k that the problem occurs.

def fnGetFileArea(cDestination):
    cFileList = ''
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        cDestination = "/Volumes/documents"
        session['platform'] = 'mac'
    elif sys.platform == 'win32':
        session['platform'] = 'win32'
        cDestination = "p:\\"

def docget():
    cDocType     = ''
    cDestination = ''
    aDocs        = []
    cFileList    = []
    srv          = ''
    if request.method == 'POST':
        cDestination = fnGetFileArea(cDestination)
        cUser = request.args.get('user')
        cUserType = request.args.get('usertype')
        cDocType = request.form['doctype']
        session['user'] = cUser
        if 'attach' in request.files:  
            file = request.files['attach']
            filename = file.filename
            if filename != '':
                filename = filename.replace(' ','_')
                if session['platform'] == 'mac':
                    cFileSaveArea = cUserType + '/' + cDocType
                    destination = '/'.join([cDestination+'/'+cFileSaveArea,filename])
                    cDestination = cDestination + '/' + cUserType
                elif session['platform'] == 'win32':
                    cFileSaveArea = cUserType + '\\' + cDocType
                    destination = '\\'.join([cDestination+cFileSaveArea,filename])
                    cDestination = cDestination + '\\' + cUserType
                    cError = file.save(destination) 
                      flash('could not save')
                cFileList = os.listdir(cDestination)
                return render_template('selectdoc.html',user=cUser,usertype=cUserType,aDocs=cFileList)
        cDestination = fnGetFileArea(cDestination)
        if 'user' in request.args:
            cUser = request.args.get('user')
            session['user'] = cUser
        if 'usertype' in request.args:
            cUserType = request.args.get('usertype')
        if session['platform'] == 'mac':
            cDestination = cDestination + '/' + cUserType
        if session['platform'] == 'win32':
            cDestination = cDestination + '\\' + cUserType
        cFileList = os.listdir(cDestination)
        if cUser .strip() != '' and cUserType.strip() != '':
            return render_template('selectdoc.html',user=cUser,usertype=cUserType,aDocs=cFileList)

Have tested on my windows apache server and small files are uploaded but large files fail.



From:  Flask <flask-bounces+colin=techdata.net.au at python.org> on behalf of Dmitry <d at ddipp.net>
Date:  Tuesday, 15 November 2016 at 2:48 pm
To:  <flask at python.org>
Subject:  Re: [Flask] File Upload


Check the write permissions on the folder in which you save the file.
 When downloading a file passes 100% and then there is an error, then perhaps it is not connected with the limitation on size.
 Or show code that allows to upload files to the server.
15.11.2016 11:33, Colin Haig пишет:



To All 

I am trying to upload a file using flask – but when I upload a large file I get a server error.

I have tried the following :

app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 16 * 1024 * 1024
When I reduce the above setting Flask reports a 413 error which is is supposed to do


Updated apache server

Have added LimitRequestBody 0  to my http.conf

If I upload the file though my locahost flask server there are no issues.


When I submit the file upload I can see a counter counting up to 100% but then it crashes with a server error – I have
checked the apache logs but can not see any error associated with the upload.

I have searched the web looking for answers but to no avail.

Any help greatly appreciated.






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Dmitry Podkovyrkin
email: d at ddipp.net
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