[Flask] Websocket and form popup

FERNANDO VILLARROEL fvillarroel at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 22 18:33:41 EDT 2016

I hope you could me explain how i can do the follow idea:
If a have a user like 2222 registered on Flask (local intranet)
I have another  application like asterisk (IP PBX) (is running the same machine of Flask) so when asterisk received a inbound a call for user 2222 i need that the browser of user 2222 (only browser of this user) open a form pop with parameters received from external application like phone number......etc.
Someone tell me that i must use websockets and tornado.
I do not know how i  do a call to browser of peer 2222 for display a form popup only for this browser (session of user 2222) using websocket.
It's possible to do with Flask, and if it's possible give some example or idea how i can do.
I was reading 
Kind regards.
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