[Flask] Saving file to desktop

Mazzei, Stephen Andrew Stephen.Mazzei at asrcfederal.com
Fri Jul 22 09:25:20 EDT 2016

Good morning,

Right now I am currently working on a dataframe project. Part of this project is to save off the results to an excel document. My current code is

        bookname = request.form['bookname']
        sheetname = request.form['sheetname']
        writer = pd.ExcelWriter(bookname + '.xlsx')

This is generating the correct report, but storing it local to machine. Can someone help guide me in the correct direction to either directly save the file to the user desktop instead of the local flask machine?

Thank you

Stephen A. Mazzei
Systems Administrator | AFDS, ASRC Federal Data Solutions - P&G HPC Account | 513-634-9965


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