[Flask] uWSGI and Flask - Slow and varying response times

Tim van der Linden tim at shisaa.jp
Wed Jul 6 06:16:25 EDT 2016

On Wed, 06 Jul 2016 17:52:00 +0800
Unai Rodriguez <unai at sysbible.org> wrote:

> Hi Tim,

Hi Unai

Thanks for the response!

> I think your top priority should be to get consistent results first and
> for the that you want to stop all other activity on your production
> server and benchmark your application alone. Would it be feasible to
> declare downtime in all other apps for 30 minutes? Alternatively you
> might want to run all apps on your prodution server somewhere else while
> you benchmark your app.
> This will tell you if the inconsistencies come from the other apps, or
> it is an issue with your code or server configuration.  

Very good suggestion and I just had the timing to do so. I allowed only, my local IP access to the server and nobody else. The server fell even more silent and no requests came in except mine.

I ran the profiler again which gave me very similar results to before: average response time ~700 ms. Average response time on my local machine: ~200 ms (exact same database and code).

So even when this beast of a server is fully isolated and only answers to my requests, it does so 3 to 4 times slower than on my development machine. 

>From my perspective, if the code were the bottleneck then I would also get the same "slow" performance on my local machine ... no? 

My gut feeling says that there is some sort of misconfiguration going on.

> -- unai


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