[Flask] Architecting flask-zappa

Rich Jones miserlou at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 09:40:07 EST 2016

Hey all!

I recently published a new library called Zappa[1][2] that allows for
incredibly easy deployment of WSGI applications on AWS Lambda + API
Gateway. This is totally different way of running apps that comes with some
major advantages in terms of cost, ease, and scalability.

I've already written a client library for Django [3], and now I'd like it
if there were a Flask client as well. But, I'm a Django developer, not
usually a Flask developer, so I don't know necessary know what the Flask
best practices are. For instance, is there a way to run management
commands, ala Django's "python manage.py deploy dev"?

So, I'd love it if somebody here could either a) write and maintain a Flask
client library for Zappa (shouldn't take more than an afternoon or two) or
b) architect/design the client library so that I can then write it.

Would anybody out there be interested in helping with this? I think it'll
be a huge win for the Flask community to be able to deploy their
applications in a super cheap, super easy and incredibly scalable way!

Rich Jones


[1] https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa
[2] https://gun.io/blog/announcing-zappa-serverless-python-aws-lambda/
[3] https://github.com/Miserlou/django-zappa
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