[Flask] Executing user input python code inside flask app context

Christophe Bal projetmbc at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 16:20:51 EDT 2016


What kind of programs your user will code ? Do they code simple program ?
Have you consider solutions like brython which is safe to use on a server.

*Christophe BAL*
*Enseignant de mathématiques en Lycée **et développeur Python amateur*
*French teacher of **math** in a high school **and **amateur **Python *

2016-08-21 19:24 GMT+02:00 Alex Alex <alex-alex-90 at wp.pl>:

> Hi,
> I'm working on flask based webapp that requires users to be able to eneter
> and execute python code (+ presenting exeuction output) within flask app
> context. As I'm new to flask (and I love it) I'd be greatful for any tips
> regarding implementing such functionality. As a side note: the security is
> not a concern so please don't responde with code snippets containg
> os.system('rm -rf /') as example of dangerus user input. I'm also not
> interested in running code inside pypy sandbox (at least not on
> this stage).
> Thank you in advance
> BR
> Alex
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