[Flask] Flask won't set cookies for IP based domains

John Robson John.Robson at usp.br
Sun Aug 14 00:46:32 EDT 2016

Hi everyone,

I have a weird problem with CSRF validation.

Running my app with "" the Form CSRF validation 
Works Fine.

But when I changed to "" the CSRF become 
invalid. (this is my Wi-Fi IP, I use it to access my laptop site with my 

I believe that the problem is because Flask won't set cookies for IP 
based domains.

I add to /etc/hosts : " myapp.dev" and I add to Config 
file: SERVER_NAME = 'myapp.dev:5001'

But the cookies still not working and therefore CSRF still invalid.

I'll appreciate if someone run my code in a different domain or IP to 
figure out what is wrong.

Code: https://github.com/USP/Flask

Running:  http://2gm8ql-flask-staging-usp.runnableapp.com:5001/

(refresh 2 times to get cookies)

Screenshots: https://github.com/USP/Flask/tree/master/static/img

Thank you very much,

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