[Flask] SDLC configuration

Badri Sunderarajan badrihippo at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 08:24:54 EDT 2016

Looking at your pastebin code, it seems like you're calling the 
load_active_projects() function while /defining/ the classes, rather 
than when you're actually using them. So the Python interpreter will be 
executing load_active_projects for each of (ProductionConfig, DevConfig, 
QaConfig) /before/ it actually uses the DevConfig class.

You can confirm this by checking the value of app.config['FLOWBOT_ENV'] 
from your main app.

I don't know how exactly Flask's config.from_object works, but I think 
what you want to do would be more like:

class DevConfig(Config):
     FLOWBOT_ENV = 'dev'
     # ... other config goes here ...
     def __init__(self):
         self.PROJECTS = load_active_projects(self.FLOWBOT_ENV)
         self.SCHEDULED_JOBS = load_active_scheduled_jobs(FLOWBOT_ENV)

...so that your load functions are only called when the class is 
actually instantiated (used).

Sorry I can't into it properly at the moment—tell me how it goes and 
I'll check back tomorrow when I have more time ;)

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