[Flask] Form with no validators failing validation

Alex Hall ahall at autodist.com
Mon Apr 25 14:48:01 EDT 2016

Hi list,
As the subject says, my form is doing something odd. Though I've defined no
validators for it at all, it's suddenly failing validation. I've tried
validate() and validate_on_submit() with no change. My form is quite simple:

class OrderSearchForm(Form):
 orderNumber = StringField("orderNumber")
 #orderNumber = StringField("orderNumber", validators=[Length(-1, 7, "If
you enter an order number, it must be 5 or 7 characters.")])
 orderGeneration = IntegerField("orderGeneration")
 startDate = StringField("startDate")
 endDate = StringField("endDate")
 hiddenStartDate = HiddenField("hiddenStartDate")
 hiddenEndDate = HiddenField("hiddenEndDate")
 maxResults = StringField("maxResults")
 hasErrors = BooleanField("hasErrors")
 users = SelectMultipleField("Users", choices=[(u, u) for u in userNames])
 locations = SelectMultipleField("warehouses", choices=[(l, l) for l in

I've defined usernames and locations already. When I output the field
values, I see that my hidden date fields have values while my visible ones
don't, and that everything else is fine--empty if I didn't enter data,
presenting the text entered or options selected if I did anything to that
field. That is, the form data seems to be passing back to the function with
no problem, but it always fails. Here's my function:

@app.route("/orderSearch", methods=searchMethods)
def orderSearch():
 searchForm = OrderSearchForm()
 #now that the form is constructed, we can set the label text properties of
the elements
 searchForm.orderNumber.label.text = "Order number to search for"
 searchForm.orderGeneration.label.text = "Order generation (leave blank for
all generations)"
 searchForm.startDate.label.text = "Starting date of search"
 searchForm.endDate.label.text = "End date of search"
 searchForm.maxResults.label.text = "Maximum results to return"
 searchForm.locations.label.text = "choose locations to include"
 searchForm.users.label.text = "user accounts to include"
 searchForm.hasErrors.label.text = "Only orders with errors"

 if request.method != "POST":
  print "Returning rendered template. Validated: %s. Method: %s."
%(searchForm.validate(), request.method)
  return render_template("search.html", form=searchForm, title="Order
 elif not searchForm.validate_on_submit():
  print "Form failed validation."
  orderNumber = request.form.get("orderNumber", None)
  orderGeneration = request.form.get("orderGeneration", None)
  errorsOnly = bool(request.form.get("hasErrors", False))
  locations = request.form.getlist("locations", None)
  users =request.form.getlist("users", None)
  startDate = request.form.getlist("startDate", None)
  endDate = request.form.getlist("endDate", None)
  hiddenStartDate = request.form.getlist("hiddenStartDate", None)
  hiddenEndDate = request.form.getlist("hiddenEndDate", None)
  maxResults = request.form.getlist("maxResults", None)
  print "Number: {number}\nGeneration: {generation}\nLocations:
{locations}\nUsers: {users}\nErrors Only: {errorsOnly}\nStart Date:
{startDate}\nEnd Date: {endDate}\nHidden Start Date:
{hiddenStartDate}\nHidden End Date:
{hiddenEndDate}".format(number=orderNumber, generation=orderGeneration,
locations=locations, users=users, errorsOnly=errorsOnly,
startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate, hiddenStartDate=hiddenStartDate,
  return json.dumps(
   { "errors": [
    {"Number": 0, "Message": "The form failed validation."}
 else: #the form was posted, and passed validation, so return the JSON
  print "Returning JSON."
  orderNumber = request.form.get("orderNumber", None)
  orderGeneration = request.form.get("orderGeneration", None)
  errorsOnly = bool(request.form.get("hasErrors", False))
  locations = request.form.getlist("locations", None)
  users =request.form.getlist("users", None)
  maxResults = request.form.getlist("maxResults", None)
  print "Number: {number}\nGeneration: {generation}\nLocations:
{locations}\nUsers: {users}\nErrors Only:
{errorsOnly}".format(number=orderNumber, generation=orderGeneration,
locations=locations, users=users, errorsOnly=errorsOnly)
  print request.form.hiddenStartDate
  print request.form.hiddenEndDate
  results = []
  for result in DBInterface.getOrderDetails(orderNumber=orderNumber,
orderGeneration=orderGeneration, locations=locations, users=users,
errorsOnly=errorsOnly, limit=maxResults):
    "username": result.user,
    "orderNumber": result.reference_3[:5],
   "orderGeneration": result.reference_3[5:7],
   "computer": result.computer,
    "errors": result.reference_9
  return json.dumps(results)

The only thing I've changed recently is the addition of the date fields,
the visible two of which are tied via JS to JQueryUI date pickers and the
hidden two of which are those pickers' altFields. They seem to work fine,
though. I'm not sure why it would keep failing like this; again, there are
no validators at all. I've killed the Flask server and restarted it, just
to check that something odd wasn't going on there, but that didn't do
anything. Is there anything else I could do? Any other code you'd need to

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
ahall at autodist.com
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