[Flask] flask uwsgi nginx deployment not working

Jeff Widman jeff at jeffwidman.com
Tue Oct 6 23:03:55 CEST 2015

I just setup Nginx + uWSGI + Flask the other day for the first time. You're
right, the Flask docs on uWSGI are outdated and use deprecated uWSGI
commands. There's a pull request in the Flask repo that shows the correct
way (as best I could tell) to set things up, it also covers the slightly
more complicated scenario of serving multiple Flask apps on a single uWSGI

I take a cursory look through your code and nothing stuck out to me... I
used the Emperor option in place of the Master process option, as it gives
more flexibility, so maybe that's why I'm not seeing the specific issue...
maybe try that?

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 9:03 AM, tigernassau <tigernassau at gmail.com> wrote:

> we can only get Flask to load on a debian server with nginx, uwsgi with a
> command line statement, not on server boot - yet we can get bottle to load
> just fine.
> most of the docs are either outdated, 80% complete, or different
> combinations (ie gunicorn, mod_wsgi, uwsgi-plugin-python, systemd ...) so
> we hope to write up a detailed set of docs that work for this combination
> Here's what we have:
> nginx.conf
>      .....
>       upstream testapp {
>           server localhost: 8082;
>       }
>      .....
>      location / {
>               try_files $uri @wsgi;
>       }
>       location @wsgi {
>               include /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params;
>               uwsgi_pass testapp
>       }
>      .....
> /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/testapp.ini
>   [uwsgi]
>   socket = localhost: 8082
>   chdir = /home/testapp
>   file = app.py
>   master = true
>   plugins = python
>   uid = www-data
>   gid = www-data
>   vacuum = true
> --- test command line run --- (works!)
> sudo uwsgi --socket --wsgi-file /home/testapp/app.py
> --callable app processes 4 --stats
> /etc/systemd/system/testapp.service
> [Unit]
> Description=wsgi flask testapp
> [Service]
> ExecStart=uwsgi --socket --wsgi-file /home/testapp/app.py
> --callable app --processes 4
> Restart=always
> KillSignal=SIGQUIT
> Type=notify
> StandardError=syslog
> NotifyAccess=all
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> sudo service testapp start ==> error
> The only difference we see between Flask not booting and Bottle working is
> in the app run statement
> Flask:
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>   app.run()
> Bottle:
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     bottle.run(host="",port=8082)
> else:
>     app = application = bottle.default_app()
> maybe app run issue ??
> maybe permission issue ?? (but wsgi ini works for bottle)
> maybe systemd service file ??
> thks.
> --
> Tiger Nassau, Inc.
> www.tigernassau.com
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*Jeff Widman*
jeffwidman.com <http://www.jeffwidman.com/> | 740-WIDMAN-J (943-6265)
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