[Flask] choosing a deployment for a web app

Jani Šumak jani.sumak at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 13:25:37 EST 2015

Hitchiking on that last answer, pythonanywhere.com has some decent options.
And it's easy to set up.

Cheeres, Jani

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 7:22 PM Jonathan Chen <tamasiaina at gmail.com> wrote:

> Just a food for thought. You could also look into Google App Engine. Their
> service is cheap and you could possibly be running in the free tier most of
> the time.
> ~Jonathan C.
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 9:54 AM, Kyle Lawlor <klawlor419 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So I have a web application that I think will have, at most, 20 users in
>> a day. I can't imagine that more than 5 people would be using the
>> application in a 15-20 minute range of each other.
>> I have considered deployment with a few services; Heroku or AWS. I have
>> looked into using VMware via Vagrant. I am at a point where I am not sure
>> how choose the right service for my use case.
>> The application deals with online ordering for a restaurant. At the
>> moment I have a small database for storing user credentials for the
>> restaurants order tracking UI. There are no particularly large tasks that
>> happen, i.e. file uploads or sending out mass emails.
>> Any guidance regarding a cheap, yet effective deployment for my
>> application would be greatly appreciated. Fortunately I am doing this for a
>> friends restaurant, so I have a testing ground. But the last thing I want
>> is for users to have a bad experience, and think that my application sucks
>> (obviously).
>> Looking forward to hearing some responses.
>> -Kyle
>> (learning web development with Flask, :+1: for the awesome tool.)
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