[Expat-discuss] XML Parse into Structure

Vijay Nikam vijay.t.nikam at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 14:51:34 CEST 2010

Dear All,

I am new to the XML parsing and list.
Just couple of days before I started to work on Expat parser.
I am parsing the XML files in C (libexpat.so - Linux) and I tried to
parse the XML file using expat parser
and was successful. So it was great start. thanks to the information
provided on the following link:

The output of the XML parsed file is dumped on the console. Based on
this I have two queries:
1. Is it possible to dumped the parsed file into the text file? If yes
then please let me know (any pointers/ideas), thanks.
2. Is it possible to create structure with expat parser from XML file?
    - Is there any funtion available to achieve this in C, like, there
is function available for PHP XML Expat Parser

Please let me know any pointers regarding above two mentioned queries?
Any provided information will be imporatant and helpful.
So Kindly please acknowledge, thank you.

Kind Regards,
Vijay Nikam

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