[Expat-discuss] locale: LC_ALL=french; export LC_ALL

Carlos Pereira jose.carlos.pereira at ist.utl.pt
Thu Mar 13 23:19:08 CET 2008

Nick MacDonald wrote:
> Carlos:
> In my experience,
> eXpat does NOT interpret the data, it just supplies it to your
> program, and you need to make an interpretation.  Accordingly, I
> suspect the problem is inside your app and how you use the resulting
> data from eXpat, and not with eXpat itself.
You are absolutely right, expat just feeds me const char data, my fault, 
I apologize.

Anyway, according to XML schema, only dots are allowed as decimal 

So it might be better to take the conservative approach, at least for 
the moment,
and to forget about commas and other locale-defined separators and do 
with decimal points... simple and consistent...

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