[Expat-discuss] darwin and expat

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Thu May 18 16:19:19 CEST 2006

Joe Stacy wrote:
> I'm trying to build expat on Darwin in a cross platform project. Since
> I'm further wrapping expat with a DOM, I'm trying to keep my wrapping
> code platform independent and it's all Unicode. I have XML_UNICODE and
> XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T macros defined and it appears that the file
> xmlwf/unixfilemap.c does not implement a wchar_t flavor of the filemap()
> function. Is there something I'm missing or have configured incorrectly
> or is it a simple matter of functionality that needs implemented?
These are two different issues. XML_UNICODE and XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T merely
define which encoding Expat uses to report back to the application. It 
does not force
all of your application to be wchar_t based, although that would be a 
good idea.

Btw, regardless of how you build Expat, it always uses Unicode. Its just 
the encoding
that can vary, that is:  UTF-8 or UTF-16.

So, what problem are you running into? xmlwf is not necessary for an 
application to use Expat.
Its just a helper program, you don't need to build it.


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