[Expat-discuss] Expat 2.0 released

Guenter Obiltschnig guenter.obiltschnig at appinf.com
Wed Jan 11 18:16:17 CET 2006

Karl, and all contributors!

Thank you for the excellent work you've done with the 2.0 release!

All the best,


On Jan 11, 2006, at 16:11 , Karl Waclawek wrote:

> Release 2.0.0 of the Expat XML parser is the end point of the
> 1.95.X series of releases. The goals we tried to achieve were:
> - Solidify and stabilize the implementation of the given API.
> - Add desirable features as long as they fit with the API.
> - Keep the API backwards compatible, if extensions are needed.

Günter Obiltschnig                   Applied Informatics
guenter.obiltschnig at appinf.com     http://www.appinf.com
P: +43 4253 32596  M: +43 676 5166737  F: +43 4253 32096
The C++ Portable Components:      http://poco.appinf.com

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