[Expat-discuss] Building Expat

Enrico Weigelt weigelt at metux.de
Fri Sep 16 01:43:25 CEST 2005

* David Fawcett <david.fawcett at gmail.com> wrote:

> Following the build directions, I cd to the folder holding the
> configure script and when I type ./configure, I get '[djf at localhost
> expat-1.95.8]$ ./configure : bad interpreter: No such file or
> directory'

How do the first lines of configure look ? 
What permissions does the file have ? 

> When I su to root, and try to run it like this, I get this message:  
> [root at localhost expat-1.95.8]# .
> /home/djf/gpsbabel/expat/expat-1.95.8/configure: command not found
> bash: /home/djf/gpsbabel/expat/expat-1.95.8/configure: line 16: syntax
> error nea' unexpected token `in
> bash: /home/djf/gpsbabel/expat/expat-1.95.8/configure: line 16: ` 
> case X$UNAME 'n

Uuh, seems something's really broken. 
Does untar'ing work w/o errors ? 

Did you check the script for obvious syntax errors ?
(yeah, that's not easy on autoconf spitout)

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service

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