[Expat-discuss] compiling for winCE

Ajay abra9823 at mail.usyd.edu.au
Sat Sep 4 14:53:18 CEST 2004


has anyone done this?

i am trying to compile using embedded visual c++. the build process works
fine with visual c++ 6 but with evc i get the error

C:\hons\pocketpc\expat\xmltok\xmltok_ns.c(1) : error C2143: syntax error :
missing '{' before '*'
C:\hons\pocketpc\expat\xmltok\xmltok_ns.c(1) : error C2091: function
returns function
C:\hons\pocketpc\expat\xmltok\xmltok_ns.c(3) : warning C4013: 'ns'
undefined; assuming extern returning int

the errors start at -
const ENCODING *NS(XmlGetUtf8InternalEncoding)(void)
  return &ns(internal_utf8_encoding).enc;

what i have done is, similar to vc++ 6, created a new project in evc and
have added the same .c files and .h fies to source files and header files

what am i doing wrong/



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