[Expat-discuss] Run-time error during file parsing

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Mon Nov 22 19:59:10 CET 2004

> Hello,I have small xml file that I want to parse into my application :
> <layout numOfFloors="1">
> <floor floorNo="0">
> <room>0LVRM</room>
> <room>0COR1</room>
> <room>0DNRM</room>
> </floor>
> </layout>
> For each element I want to do different things so my start element handler
> is of the form
> if(strcmp(el,"layout")==0)
> {
>   .....
> }
> if(strcmp(el,"floor")==0
> {
>   ....
> }
> Now I get a number of strange parsing errors....I did a number of tests and
> I've discovered the following:the <layout> and <floor> start tags seem to be
> recognised ok. However,my character handler is called EVERY time-even though
> <layout> and <floor> don't contain any characters.Shouldn't the character
> handler only be called when a <room> element tag is being parsed?

You have line breaks, which are character data! So the handler must be called.
> Also,I've discovered that the string that gets copied by the character
> handler actually contains not only the character data,but the end tag as
> well-so instead of having  0LVRM being parsed I get 0LVRM</room>. I guess
> that the run time error is the result of both of these anomalies but I can't
> see why they take place..

Are you sure you are copying only the number of characters indicated
by the "len" argument passed to the handler?


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