[Expat-discuss] problem in parsing XML having smart quotecharacter

Ajay Upadhyaya aupadhyaya at etouch.net
Thu Jul 15 19:14:30 CEST 2004

Thanks, you got it

-----Original Message-----
From: expat-discuss-bounces at libexpat.org
[mailto:expat-discuss-bounces at libexpat.org] On Behalf Of Karl Waclawek
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 9:13 PM
To: expat-discuss at libexpat.org
Subject: Re: [Expat-discuss] problem in parsing XML having smart

> Karl,
> The smart quote char gets converted to something else in copy/paste
> operation... pls try the attached XML file, if you can suggest something
> that would be awesome...

OK, now I know what's wrong. In the absence of an encoding declaration
the parser assumes UTF-8, and the smart quote character (0x91) is not
part of a valid UTF-8 sequence. MSXML reports the same error, btw.

I added an encoding declaration for ISO-8859-1, and the error went away.

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