[Expat-discuss] Parsing a XML document by pieces

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Fri Jul 9 16:39:15 CEST 2004

> Hi,
> I need your help please ...
> I need to parse an XML document peice by piece using EXPAT,
> has anyone done this before and can help me on the subject?
> Thank you ...

If you check out Expat from CVS and build it, you should be able
to use the new features to stop and re-start the parser.

The new API members are:
- XML_StopParser(XML_Parser parser, XML_Bool resumable);
- XML_ResumeParser(XML_Parser parser);
- XML_GetParsingStatus(XML_Parser parser, XML_ParsingStatus *status);

There is some documentation provided as comments in expat.h, but
our main documentation - reference.html - has not been updated yet.


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