[Expat-discuss] Using expat for PDA device

Marco Magistrali magi at funambol.com
Tue Dec 28 12:42:23 CET 2004

 I'm trying to build expat with eVC++ 4.0 to create not a lib or a dll but
an exe.
I include the files xmlparse.c, xmlrole.c and xmltok.c in my project where
there is a file example.c with the main function.

I get many warning and errors like

C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmltok.c(25) : warning C4005:
'IGNORE_SECTION_TOK_VTABLE' : macro redefinition
        C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmltok.c(23) : see previous definition of
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmltok.c(206) : warning C4005: 'STANDARD_VTABLE'
: macro redefinition
        C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmltok.c(202) : see previous definition
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmltok.c(235) : warning C4005: 'MINBPC' : macro
        C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmltok.c(232) : see previous definition
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmltok.c(250) : warning C4005: 'BYTE_TYPE' :
macro redefinition
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(30) : warning C4005: 'XML_ENCODE_MAX'
: macro redefinition
        C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(22) : see previous definition
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(31) : warning C4005: 'XmlConvert' :
macro redefinition
        C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(23) : see previous definition
of 'XmlConvert'
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(32) : warning C4005:
'XmlGetInternalEncoding' : macro redefinition
        C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(24) : see previous definition
of 'XmlGetInternalEncoding'
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(33) : warning C4005:
'XmlGetInternalEncodingNS' : macro redefinition
        C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(25) : see previous definition
of 'XmlGetInternalEncodingNS'
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(34) : warning C4005: 'XmlEncode' :
macro redefinition
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(106) : warning C4005: 'CHAR_HASH' :
macro redefinition
        C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(103) : see previous definition
C:\Expat-1.95.8\Source\lib\xmlparse.c(6184) : fatal error C1010: unexpected
end of file while looking for precompiled header directive

I try to use some directive as XML_DTD, HAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H,
XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T, XML_UNICODE but with no success..
Has someone got any hints?

Many thanks

Marco Magistrali                                 magi at funambol.com
Sync4j- the open source SyncML mobile application platform

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