[Expat-discuss] Re: Conflict with two expat shared libraries

Enrico Weigelt weigelt at metux.de
Tue Dec 14 05:10:52 CET 2004

* Karl Waclawek <karl at waclawek.net> wrote:


> >Is the linker (ld.so) able to handle this overloading properly ?
> I don't know about Linux - but there was a thread about it
> a while ago. In Windows - where I usually work - this is no problem.
Well, on win32 its no problem, if you manually load the dll and
find the functions one by one. This would also be possibly on gnu/linux
with a prepared library loader (I remember in old days there was another
.so loader library than libdl going around, which AFAIK did not publish
all symbols as global). 

But thats really not the point! We also want to let the dynamic linker
do evrything completely alone. And then we *need* different symbols
for different things. AFAIK dll symbol tables do not support any kind
of typing information and thus no overloading.

Well, my last win32 works are several years ago, so it probably changed ...

> >Well, thats how it has to be. 
> >But then where's the problem ?
> Don't understand the question.
If both library variants work - as you said - by overloading (no idea
how this should go w/o typeinfo), then I dont understand what's your

Obviously its the point that it does _not_ work.

> >No problem, if my work wouldn't fall into the trashcan of history
> >due missing interest of other people ... 
> Can't really help you with build issues - as my Unix expertise
> in this area is not very good. I don't really want to commit
> a patch without having it reviewed by our Unix build experts.
My dear, I'm now building distros for many years (created an automatic
buildsystem which creates embedded firmware for almost any kind of
linux-based device) and I've tested my patch a thousand times. 

Can't you just trust in me that I'm able to add an $(DESTDIR) variable
reference in front of every installation location for 'cp', 'install' 
and similar commands without hurting anything else ?

> It is true, some of us have been too busy elsewhere, and haven't
> found the time to deal with outstanding build issues.
So if your unix experts are too busy, why dont you just let me do 
this job ? 
I'm now working about 10 years as gnu/linux developer, so I feel 
competent enough :)

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service

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