[Expat-discuss] XML/expat question/problem?

Keith Jackson kjackson at crimebucket.com
Fri Aug 27 07:09:26 CEST 2004

Hello everyone. First, let me say that if this is a problem because of
my limited knowledge of XML, please feel free to flame me.
That being said... I have an XML file that is not parsing. Perhaps one
of you XML savvy folks could take half a second to see what is going
on.. Included is the file. I've stepped thru the parsing, and in the
last 'Control' section (there are three), expat returns
XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN. The last handler called was the EndNode
handler, with the last 'From' node in the XML document. We never hit the
EndNode handler for the last 'Animation'.
I find it hard to believe there would be a bug in expat, so I'm assuming
I'm doing something stupid I shouldn't be doing in XML. Anyway, thanks
guys. Expat is great. It's nice to not have to use all the crazy
infrastructure and stuff that comes along with SAX and DOM.
Keith Jackson
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