[Expat-discuss] re: Invalid Token: Carriage return?

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at acm.org
Thu Sep 25 11:55:54 EDT 2003

Steven Nikkel writes:
 > Well, the file isn't all that important,
 > something simple like this does it depending on the file format:
 > <Master>
 > <transport>
 > </transport>
 > </Master>

It can be a simple example like this, but what's important is that we
see the exact bytes you have on disk for a file which breaks.

Also, does the xmlwf application also report the error for the file?

 > Parse error at line 2, character 0:
 > not well-formed (invalid token)
 > I've compiled the expat library into my program. It is used to parse XML
 > files used for configuration.

I think what Karl wants to know (and what I think would be more
helpful), is:

- how do you load data from the file?

- how to you initialize the parser instance?

= how do you pass the data into the parser?

This is where a code snippet that shows you use of Expat, and that
duplicates the behavior you're seeing in your application, would be
*really* helpful to help us figure out what's happening, so we can
help you.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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