[Expat-discuss] problem parsing two files in application

Greg Martin Greg.Martin at TELUS.COM
Mon May 26 15:32:52 EDT 2003

I'm getting the error : "junk after document element". I've looked through archives and see it usually comes up when there are multiple roots or text after the root element. I don't think this is the case here. I'm parsing two files each with different definitions - the first parses fine but it
doesn't seem to matter what I take out of the second it doesn't parse. I did see mention in the archives of a problem parsing subsequent XML files delivered by socket - here they are read off disk. Here is the second file :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE apptasks[
	<!ELEMENT send_ani_dnis_name EMPTY>
	<!ELEMENT send_iscp_params EMPTY>
	<!ELEMENT return_itag_params EMPTY>
	<!ELEMENT task (send_ani_dnis_name?, send_iscp_params?, return_itag_params?)>

	<task task_id="101">
	<task task_id="102">
	<task task_id="103">

I'm calling XML_ParserFree() after parsing the first file and XML_ParserCreate() before. The parsing of both files is done in the same thread but in a different scope using C++ (C version of expat I believe).

Greg Martin 780-493-2786
Application Development
TP&E - Service Solution
TELUS Communication Inc.

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