[Expat-discuss] using expat in lcc-win32

Vapor vapor at arizonagt.org
Sat Mar 22 18:37:31 EST 2003

I have been trying to get lcc-win32 and expat to play nice together, but I
fear my inexperience is keeping that from happening.

I have copied the lib directory into my projects director (testxml).  I have
added #include "lib/expat.h".  I have also copied libexpat.lib to both the
lib directory and to the root project directory.

I havent attempted to do anything more than this and just compile the
program which previously compiled.  I recieved the error d:\.....\testxml.c:
d:\........\lib\expat.h: 657 unknown enumeration 'XML_Status'

Any insight would be nice as I am quite new to C and Lcc-win32 and am
getting very frustrated with it.

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