[Expat-discuss] Re: isFinal parameter

Carlos Pereira carlos at pehoe.civil.ist.utl.pt
Thu Mar 13 21:12:01 EST 2003

> Carlos Pereira writes:
>  > Both XML_Parse and XML_ParseBuffer have a isFinal parameter
>  > that tells Expat whether this is the last block or not.
> ...
>  > 3) run XML_Parse always with isFinal parameter set to FALSE.
>  > This is easier but it really looks completely wrong.

> This is entirely reasonable, and quite common.  Since this is easier
> to handle consistently and keeps the code calling into Expat simpler,
> that's a good way to do it.  I certainly use this in the Python
> bindings.

Thanks a lot, this helps me a lot, I was under the impression
that Expat would take special precautions for the last block,
but I can see now that it shouldn't really matter.


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