[Expat-discuss] how can I get the "value" ?

Sergio Barbosa Villas-Boas villas at del.ufrj.br
Mon Feb 24 08:54:54 EST 2003

Hi, all

I'm learning expat.
I'm trying to parse a simple xml file. Something like below.

	<data attrib="oneData" attrib2="oneData2">value</data>

I wrote a startElement function like the prototype below.
void startElement(void *data, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr);

I can get "attrib" and "attrib2" (and "oneData" and "oneData2") from the
"attr" parameter.
But how can I get the "value" ?

Thanks in advance.

 +------+  Sergio Barbosa Villas-Boas
/------/|  villas at del.ufrj.br
| sbVB |/  http://www.del.ufrj.br/~villas
+------+   ICQ: 15360729

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