[Expat-discuss] core dump with namespaces and external entities

Karl Waclawek karl@waclawek.net
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 13:29:07 -0400

> Attached is a little python script which causes a segfault on my machine.  I 
> have narrowed the problem down to the xmlns attribute defined in the DTD.  It 
> only dumps core if, in the DTD, the name is 'xmlns'.  Any other name works 
> fine.
> I've tested this with expat 1.95.2 and 1.95.4 using pyexpat from python 2.2.1 
> and with 1.95.5 using PyXML from CVS.

I extracted the files from your script and tested with a completely
different application and got the same result, a NULL pointer exception.

Please file a bug report. I will see if I can dig into it this weekend.
