[Expat-discuss] Refering to XML Schema and Expat

rolf@pointsman.de rolf@pointsman.de
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 23:52:24 +0200 (MEST)

On 24 Sep, Karl Waclawek wrote:
>> First the validity constraints Proper Declaration/PE Nesting and
>> Proper Group/PE Nesting.
>> [...]
>> So, even if I would analyze the
>> replacement text in some clever way in my validation layer, this would
>> not help, because there is currently no way, to get noticed about when
>> a parameter entity is used (and in which markup context).
> OK, so there is where the InternalEntityRefHandler comes in,
> as a solution for both cases.
> As already discussed, this is on our roadmap, but only once
> the new API is in place which allows reporting of internal
> entity boundaries (PE or GE). Do you agree that we have
> a solution in our sights? 

Yes, as far as I see, this would help. 

>> Second the problem with standalone documents.
>> [...]
>> And there is not way to know, that expat has done additional
>> normalization according to the attribute type. Therefor, the both
>> cases are indistinguishable from expat handler level.

Out of your other reply to my mail:

> I don't see a way to solve this without
> having Expat do some validation specific work - maybe a flag indicating
> if any normalization beyond CDATA requirements was performed.

Again, yes. Well, I wouldn't call this 'some validation specific
work'. The attribute value normalization according to the attribute
type is already done by expat (that's fine). It's just an additional
little piece of information (more), provided by the parser. Please
notice, that it's not enough to know, that expat had done additional
normalization on one or some of the attribute values of an element,
it's necessary to know on with attribute values this was done.
