[Expat-discuss] Refering to XML Schema and Expat

Karl Waclawek karl@waclawek.net
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 10:23:51 -0400

> In one of the threads above (with subject pre-beginer question), it was
> mentioned that Expat does not support XML schema. What does this mean?  Its
> seems misleading.

Well, an XML Schema is written in XML, so it can be parsed by any XML parser,
but Expat does not use the information in the schema to validate the document.
> Just one more general question.
> --One reason of expat being so popular is that it s light-weight and very
> efficient. But since it does not validate, for peope who would like to validate
> an XML document first and then parse it. Are there some efficient validators by
> the same author? If not, are there any other efficient validators to be used in
> conjunction with expat?

Good question.
I know of at least one validation layer on top of Expat, written
for a TCl wrapper. There are probably others but nobody has ever
contributed one back to the project.
Btw, such a layer would validate as you parse, not as an extra step.

Could anyone on this list jump in here?
We would really like to know what is out there.
According to SourceForge statistics we have had 150,000 downloads
in the last 5 months, so there is a chance that somebody did work
in that area.
> --Are there already available SAX or DOM wrappers on Expat? Could you give me
> some pointers to them.

Just browse through our web site: http://www.libexpat.org.
Right on the first page ...
